private yoga instruction

Private Yoga - with a personal touch

Maybe you've been doing yoga for awhile and have a few little things you'd like to refine, clarify or clean up in your practice. 

Maybe you've never done yoga in your entire life and would like a little one-on-one time with someone who can help you make sense of it.

Our instructors are all certified and qualified to guide you in developing a strong, safe and meaningful yoga practice - one that is as unique as you. We all have different needs, histories and bodies! Sometimes a little extra support makes all the difference in the world. 

Choose between one single session, a small package of 3 or a larger package of 12.

  • One session will give you an introductory peek into the basics of it all or help you with that one trouble spot.
  • Three sessions will give you more time to connect with a teacher and work through more information and material.
  • Twelve session will give you dedicated time with an instructor as well as more opportunity for follow up and greater ability to really track your results. Imagine what some personal attention each and every month of the year could do for you, no matter what your goals are. 

We are here to help you develop a practice that works beautifully for you, no matter where you are in your journey.