Relaxation Training for High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is no joke. It’s a common but serious health condition which can put people at risk for heart attack or stroke, and many don’t even know they have it.

Blood pressure is the force your heart exerts against your blood vessels. In someone with high blood pressure, your heart has to pump much harder to circulate your blood. That can result in damage to the heart and to your blood vessels.

yoga class

There are some genetic risk factors for hypertension, but there is also much we can do through lifestyle changes to lower our blood pressure and those health risks. You won’t be surprised to learn that yoga is a top candidate as a lifestyle choice to help lower your blood pressure.

In fact, studies show that those who regularly practice yoga see a significant reduction in their blood pressure. But you might be surprised to learn that when you combine yoga with intentional breathwork and meditation, even greater benefits can be enjoyed.

So what are some good poses for bringing down blood pressure?

Let’s start with Balasana or Child’s Pose: in this pose, you open your hips and your spine and settle deeply into a flattened position. This creates calm and deep relaxation, as well as greater flexibility. Calm is a great state of mind for anyone looking to lower their blood pressure, which can go hand-in-hand with stress.

Virasana or Hero Pose (pictured above) when coupled with extended exhale breathing: by including breathwork you reap the most benefit to your blood pressure. Just by lengthening your exhale calms your nervous system, relieving stress and bringing down your blood pressure. Start with even inhales and exhales, and then slowly begin lengthening each exhale. Try a 4-second inhale and a 6-second exhale, as long as it doesn’t create strain. Do this for up to five minutes.

And of course there is Savasana, or Corpse Pose: Savasana isn’t just the conclusion of a yoga session. It’s a mindful reset of the body’s circadian rhythms and a reminder that stillness is the perfect antidote to the chaos of our lives. We need Savasana at the end of each practice, to recalibrate the body’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual system. For those with hypertension, it’s also an excellent way to get into the deepest relaxation outside of sleep.

Think of yoga not just as physical fitness, as stretching and poses, but as relaxation training. If you are trying to lower your blood pressure, try adding in a mindful meditation, some deep breathwork and these three poses. We bet your blood pressure will drop to a more moderate and manageable number!